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Manager Assessment

As a fiduciary for the State’s retirement system assets, the Commission recognizes that Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) factors are essential to assessing the risks and opportunities of an asset, and that they should be fully integrated into the investment decision-making process. In coordination with the investment consultant, the Commission evaluates each manager's ability to integrate ESG factors into their investment process alongside financial factors through the procurement process. Once the investment is made, the Commission conducts ongoing evaluations of each manager on a quarterly basis through the Investment Performance reporting process and issues an annual survey of its managers to evaluate their ESG capabilities and future goals to evolve their investment processes to address new and existing ESG considerations. Please find below a link to the annual surveys. Using the survey responses, as well as ongoing diligence meetings, the Commission engages managers where there are concerns long-term value of the investment may be at risk. 


Annual Investment Manager ESG Survey

* Please note in 2023 the VPIC Investment Manager Survey was conducted by Meketa as part of an independent assessment of VPIC's Sustainable Investment program. The findings of that assessment can be found in Meketa's report here